There is a broad range of learning issues that can be causing a student to have academic or behavior problems.

Learning disabilities are problems that affect the brain's ability to receive, process, analyze, or store information. These problems can make it difficult for a student to learn as quickly as someone who isn't affected by learning disabilities. There can be a breakdown anywhere along the continuum of learning that can result in a less than desired outcome.

Information is brought into the brain through the eyes and ears. If the breakdown is in the area of reception, then the child has difficulty understanding or correctly processing incoming information and may perform the task incorrectly or not at all. Auditory Perception and/or Visual Perception may be affected.

Once information is recorded in the brain, three tasks must be carried out in order to make sense or integrate this information. First, the information must be placed in the right order (sequencing).  Then the information must be understood beyond the literal meaning (abstraction).  Finally, each unit of information must be integration into complete thoughts or concepts (organization).  

Three types of memory are important to learning.  Working Memory is the ability to hold on to pieces of information until the pieces blend into a complete concept.  Short-term Memory is the active process of storing and retaining information for a limited period of time.  Long-term Memory refers to information that has been stored and that is available over a long period of time.  Auditory and/or visual memory may be affected.

Information is communicated through words (language output) or through motor activity (writing, drawing, gesturing).  A language disability is one in which the individual has difficulty organizing thoughts and finding the right words.  A motor disability  in one in which the individual has difficulty coordinating teams of small muscles or gross motor muscles.  The student may have difficulty writing or be awkward physically.

Special Offers:

1.  No charge for initial conference when part of ongoing services.

2.  If someone you refer becomes a client, you receive $150 worth of services.

3.  Reduced rates for 2 or more weekly sessions.

Would your parents like to know about dyslexia or dysgraphia or ADD?
Would you faculty like to know more about classroom strategies that work for specific learning disabilities?
For more information 
School workshops for faculty, PTA, PTO available.
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Learning Issues